...a one-day fun for high-school students. It includes interesting lectures about particle physics, opportunity to chat with real physicists, analysis of real accelerator data, international competition, video-conference with CERN, T-shirts for the best ones...
my MC lectures:
...an introduction to our understanding of elementary particles and the laws they obey
2014 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Podivny mikrosvet (verzia 4, in Slovak)
[Strange subatomic world]
(pdf) -
2013 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Podivny mikrosvet (verzia 3, in Slovak)
[Strange subatomic world]
(pdf) -
2012 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Podivny mikrosvet (verzia 2, in Slovak)
[Strange subatomic world]
(pdf) -
2011 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Podivny mikrosvet (verzia 1, in Slovak)
(pdf, video z ZU)
2010 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina, SPU - Nitra)
Co (ne)vieme o mikrosvete (in Slovak)
(pdf, video z ZU)
2009 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Standardny model elementarnych castic (verzia 4, in Slovak)
(pdf, video z ZU)
2008 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina, SPU - Nitra)
Standardny model elementarnych castic (verzia 3, in Slovak)
(pdf, video z ZU)
2007 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina, SPU - Nitra)
Standardny model elementarnych castic (verzia 2, in Slovak)
(odp - OpenOffice2, pdf, video z ZU)
2006 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina)
Standardny model elementarnych castic (verzia 1, in Slovak)
(sxi, pdf)
2005 LECTURE (ZU - Zilina, UMB - Banska Bystrica)
Standardny model elementarnych castic (verzia 1, in Slovak)
(sxi - OpenOffice1, pdf, video z UMB)
reports on MC:
B.Tomasik: Stredoskolaci analyzovali data z CERN-u,
dennik SME, Mar 29, 2011 -
S.Marcinova: Inside Story: Reflections on a Masterclass,
CERN Courier, Jul 2010 -
Jennifer Lauren Lee: Looking for Leptons in All the Right Places,
Symmetry Magazine (Fermilab/SLAC), Aug 2006 -
I.Melo et al: Studenti dosiahli rovnake vysledky ako experimentatori v CERNe,
clanok pre Spravodajcu ZU o Physics Masterclasses 2006 (15.3.2006) -
M.Kobel: Masterclass spreads the word for physics,
CERN Courier, Oct 2005 -
I.Melo et al: Hands on Particle Physics - Virtualna trieda fyziky mikrosveta
clanok pre KAP o Physics Masterclasses 2005 (10.3.2005)