- M. Gintner, J. Juran:
Hiding the vector resonance signal (pdf)
Communications : scientific letters of the University of Zilina, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2014), s. 50.
ISSN 1335-4205, ADF. - M. Gintner, J. Juran:
Phenomenology of the new strong vector resonance (pdf)
Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep 2 -- 5, 2013, AFD
- M. Gintner, J. Juran:
The vector resonance triplet with the direct coupling to the third quark generation (pdf)
Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2577
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2577-5 ISSN: 1434-6052 (online), 1434-6044 (print), ADC
Copyright 2013 by Springer
1309.6597 [hep-ph] - M. Gintner:
LHC and strongly-interacting extensions of the Standard Model (pdf)
Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Presov, Slovakia, Sep 3 -- 6, 2012, AFD
hep-ph/1301.4348 - M. Gintner, J. Juran:
A 125 GeV scalar improves the low-energy data support for the top-BESS model
- M. Bombara, M. Gintner, I. Melo:
Invitation to Elementary Particles (pdf)
A textbook for an introductory course of particle physics for students not familiar with the Quantum Field Theory. It is intended to provide a certain level of understanding of today's particle physics by building a consistent framework of knowledge, skills, and experience that would make sense without getting a grip on the Quantum Field Theory. An essential part of the learning process is getting a direct experience with a real experimental data.
ISBN 978-80-554-0620-6, January 2013, EDIS Zilina. mg=4.57AH, BCI - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo:
A brief outline of the top-BESS model (pdf)
published in Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Slovak and Czech Physicists, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2011, AFD
hep-ph/1108.3916 - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
Phys.Rev. D84, 035013 (2011)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.035013, ISSN: 1550-2368 (online), 1550-7998 (print), ADC
Copyright 2011 by the American Physical Society
hep-ph/1107.0570 - B. Tomasik, I. Melo, S. Korony, M. Gintner:
Non-equilibrium Hadronisation and Event-by-Event Fluctuation of Rapidity Distributions
Indian Journal of Physics, Volume 85, Number 7, 1097-1101
DOI: 10.1007/s12648-011-0134-3, ISSN: 0973-1458 (print version), 0974-9845 (electronic version), ADC - M. Gintner, M. Janek, J. Juran, I. Melo, B. Trpisova:
Probing the top-BESS model at the ILC (tar.gz)
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Sep 6-9, 2010
ISBN 978-80-970625-0-7, AFD - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo:
On the top-BESS model: low-energy limit updates and reparameterization (tar.gz)
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Sep 6-9, 2010
ISBN 978-80-970625-0-7, AFD. - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo, B. Trpisova:
The effective description of strong electroweak symmetry breaking (pdf)
Communications : scientific letters of the University of Zilina, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2010), s. 43-48.
ISSN 1335-4205, ADF. - I. Melo, B. Tomasik, G. Torrieri, S. Vogel, M. Bleicher, M. Gintner, S. Korony:
Fluctuations of rapidity distributions in heavy-ion collisions (pdf)
17th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep 16-19, 2009.
ISBN 978-80-969124-7-6, AFD. - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo, B. Trpisova:
BESS model resonance at future e+e- colliders (pdf)
17th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep 16-19, 2009.
ISBN 978-80-969124-7-6, AFD. - M. Gintner, J. Juran, I. Melo:
A modified BESS model as an effective description of the strong electroweak symmetry breaking
European Physical Society Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Krakow, Poland / July 16-22, 2009
PoS(EPS-HEP 2009)410
ISSN 1824-8039, ADE. - M. Gintner, I. Melo, B. Trpisova:
Probing the strong electroweak symmetry breaking in a model with a vector resonance (pdf)
International conference 10th SMALL TRIANGLE MEETING on Theoretical Physics in Medzilaborce, Slovakia, Sep 21-24,2008, AFD
arXiv:0903.1981 [hep-ph] - Ivan Melo, Boris Tomasik, Giorgio Torrieri, Sascha Vogel, Marcus Bleicher,
Samuel Korony, Mikulas Gintner:
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and its use for the identification of fireball fragmentation
Phys.Rev. C80, 024904 (2009)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.024904, ISSN 1089-490X (online), 0556-2813 (print), ADC.
arXiv:0902.1607 [nucl-th] - M.Gintner, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
Probing the strong electroweak symmetry breaking in a model with a vector resonance (pdf)
16th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, Sep 8-11, 2008.
AFC - B.Tomasik, I.Melo, M.Gintner, S.Korony:
Quark/hadron phase transition and fluctuations of rapidity distributions
16th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, Sep 8-11, 2008.
AFC - B.Tomasik, I.Melo, S.Korony, M.Gintner:
Non-equilibrium Hadronisation and Event-by-Event Fluctuation of Rapidity Distributions,
Quark Matter 2008, 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Feb 4-10, 2008, Jaipur, India.
arXiv:0712.0563 [nucl-th], AFC. - B.Tomasik, I.Melo, G.Torrieri, I.Mishustin, P.Bartos, M.Gintner
and S.Korony:
Fragmentation of the fireball and how to observe it
The proceedings of International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD07), Berkeley, California, 4-9 Aug 2007
Acta Phys.Polon.Supp.1:513-517,2008
arXiv:0712.0563 [nucl-th], ADE. - B.Tomasik, I.Melo, M.Gintner, S.Korony:
Study of event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions,
16th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 10-13, 2007.
arXiv:0711.4935 [nucl-th], AFD. - B.Tomasik, G.Torrieri, I.Melo, P.Bartos, M.Gintner, S.Korony and
Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions,
16th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 10-13, 2007.
arXiv:0711.4932 [nucl-th], AFD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Signatures of Strong EWSB in pp --> bbtt + X at LHC, 16th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 10-13, 2007
arXiv:0802.0614 [hep-ph], AFD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
BESS Model Resonance in the pp --> W W t t + X Channel at LHC
Small Triangle Meeting, Herlany, Sep 18 - 19, 2006, AFD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Search For a New Vector Resonance in the pp --> W W t t + X Channel at LHC
15. Conference of Slovak Physicists, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Sep 11-14, 2006, AFD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
A New Vector Resonance Production At Future Colliders
Acta Phys.Slov. 56,473(2006), (pdf), ADD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
A New Vector Resonance Production at LHC, 15th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Kosice, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
A New Vector Resonance Production at Future e+e- Colliders, 15th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Kosice, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology of New Vector Resonances at Future e+e- Colliders, poster, Conference in Serbia, May 20 - 23, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology of New Vector Resonances from SEWSB at Future e+e- Colliders, Seminar, UEF SAV, Kosice, Slovakia, May 13, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology Of Vector Resonances At Future e+e- Colliders, 14th KSF, Oct 13, 2004 Smolenice, Slovakia. - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner and I.Melo:
Vector resonances from strong electroweak symmetry breaking at e+ e- colliders, The 12th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2004), Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 14-18 Apr 2004. -
F. Franko a kolektiv zdruzenia Virtualna kolaboracia:
Pociatocne skusenosti s pripravou prostredia WEBuniverzity (The initial experience during the preparatory stage of the WEB university environment), UNINFOS 2003 (Univerzitne informacne systemy), Nitra 2003, Zbornik z medzinarodnej konferencie, ISBN 80-8069-241-6, str.86-89, (MS-Word doc) -
F. Franko a kolektiv zdruzenia Virtualna kolaboracia:
Prispevok k vyuzivaniu IKT vo vyucbe fyziky, Zbornik z 13. Konferencie slovenskych fyzikov, Smolenice, Slovensko, 25.-28.8. 2003 (MS-Word doc) - M. Gintner, I. Melo, B.Trpisova, D.Bruncko:
Zbornik z 13. Konferencie slovenskych fyzikov, Smolenice, Slovensko, 25.-28.8. 2003. - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Proceedings of International Seminar "Small Triangle Meeting", Snina, Slovakia, Oct 8-10, 2002; - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Proceedings of Hadron Structure 2002, Herlany, Slovakia. - M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Proceedings of The 8th Adriatic Meeting "Particle Physics in the New Millenium", Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sept 4-14, 2001, published as "Particle Physics in the New Millennium", Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 2003. - M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Zbornik z 12. Konferencie slovenskych fyzikov, Smolenice, Slovensko, 3.-5.9. 2001. - M. Gintner, I. Melo:
Resonances from strongly-interacting electroweak symmetry breaking sector at future e+e- colliders, Acta Physica Slovaca, 51,139 (2001), (pdf), ADD. - M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Proceedings of the International Seminar "Small Triangle Meeting", Kosice, Slovakia, Oct 25-26, 2000; - M. Gintner, I. Melo,
Proceedings of the Hadron Structure 2000, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Oct 2-7 2000; - M.Gintner:
Gauge boson selfinteractions and t anti-t production as probes of new physics at high-energy e+ e- colliders, PhD Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1997. - M.Gintner and S.Godfrey:
t anti-t production via vector boson fusion at high energy e+ e- colliders, In the Proceedings of 1996 DPF / DPB Summer Study on New Directions for High-Energy Physics (Snowmass 96), Snowmass, Colorado, 25 Jun - 12 Jul 1996, pp STC130
arXiv:hep-ph/9612342. - M.Gintner, S.Godfrey and G.Couture:
Measurement of the WWgamma and WWZ couplings in the process e+ e- --> l nu q anti-q'
arXiv:hep-ph/9611211. - S.Kuhlman et al. [NLC ZDR Design Group and NLC Physics Working Group]:
Physics and technology of the Next Linear Collider: A Report submitted to Snowmass '96
arXiv:hep-ex/9605011. - M.Baillargeon, U.Baur, G.Belanger, F.Boudjema, G.Couture, M.Gintner and
Anomalous couplings and chiral Lagrangians: An update
arXiv:hep-ph/9603220, GHG - M.Gintner and S.Godfrey:
Measurement of the WWgamma and WWZ Couplings at LEP200: The Benefits of Higher Energy?
Phys.Lett. B366, 401 (1996)
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)01346-6, ISSN: 0370-2693, ADC
arXiv:hep-ph/9510324. - G.Couture, M.Gintner and S.Godfrey:
W-Pair Production in the Process e+e- --> l nu q anti-q' and Measurement of the WWgamma and WWZ Couplings
Phys.Rev. D52, 6249 (1995)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.52.6249, ISSN 1550-2368 (online), 1550-7998 (print), ADC
arXiv:hep-ph/9511204. - G.Couture, M.Gintner and S.Godfrey:
The measurement of tri-linear gauge boson couplings at e+ e- colliders
arXiv:hep-ph/9505255, GHG