Urychlovacova fyzika [Accelerator Physics]
EF ZU, rozsah 2+2, 1 semester, Gintner(0.5P+0.5C)/Melo(0.5P+0.5C)
jar 2013, jar 2014
- sylaby (pdf, odt)
- informacny list predmetu
- podmienky na uspesne absolvovanie predmetu (txt)
- prezentacie k prednaskam - Gintner
(odp je
OpenOffice subor):
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
odp, pdf
(v.2014) - priklady k cviceniam (pdf), riesenia prikladov (zip)
- doplnkove materialy:
- prezentacie k prednaskam - Melo (odp je
OpenOffice subor):
odp, pdf2
odp, pdf3
odp, pdf4
odp, pdf5
odp, pdf6
odp, pdf7
odp, pdf - odporucana literatura (recommended literature):
M. Bombara, M. Gintner, I. Melo: Invitation to Elementary Particles (pdf)
A textbook for an introductory course of particle physics for students not familiar with the Quantum Field Theory. It is intended to provide a certain level of understanding of today's particle physics by building a consistent framework of knowledge, skills, and experience that would make sense without getting a grip on the Quantum Field Theory. An essential part of the learning process is getting a direct experience with a real experimental data. ISBN 978-80-554-0620-6, January 2013, EDIS Zilina.
Kvantova mechanika [Quantum Mechanics]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jar 2006 (p+c), jar 2007 (p+c), jar 2008 (p+c)
- QM v kocke 1 (lecture-pdf, handout-pdf, 18.5.2010)
- QM v kocke 2 (lecture-pdf, handout-pdf, 18.5.2010)
- Kvantova mechanika (pdf, 2007)
- Zaklady tenzoroveho poctu (pdf)
- Ziarenie dokonale cierneho telesa pri roznych teplotach: jpg
- Rayleigh-Jeansova predpoved: jpg, gif
Kvantova mechanika 2 [Quantum Mechanics 2]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jesen 2008 (p+c)
Kvantova fyzika 1 (Uvod do kvantovej teorie pola) [Quantum physics 1 (Introduction to Quantum Field Theory)]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jar 2009 (p+c)
Kvantova fyzika 2 (Uvod do kvantovej teorie pola) [Quantum physics 2 (Introduction to Quantum Field Theory)]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jesen 2009 (p+c)
Kvantova fyzika 3 (Uvod do kvantovej teorie pola) [Quantum physics 3 (Introduction to Quantum Field Theory)]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jar 2010 (p+c)
Fyzika 4 - Moderna fyzika [Modern Physics - 4th semester of Physics for undergrads]
FPV ZU, rozsah 3+2, 1 semester
jar 2001 (p), jesen 2005 (p+c), jesen 2006 (p+c)
Vybrane kapitoly z fyziky [Selected Lectures on Physics ]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+0, 1 semester
jesen 2008 (p)
Filozoficke aspekty fyziky [Philosophical Aspects of Physics]
FPV ZU, rozsah 2+0, 1 semester
jar 2007 (p), jar 2008 (p)
Fyzika 1 - Mechanika [Mechanics - 1st semester of Physics for undergrads]
PEDaS ZU, rozsah 2+1, 1 semester
jesen 2012 (2c)
StrojF ZU, rozsah 3+2, 1 semester
jar 2008 (c), jar 2009 (2c), jar 2010 (2c), jar 2011 (2c), jar 2012 (2c), jar 2013 (1c)
(prednasajuci, studijne materialy: S.Slabeyciusova, I.Martincek)
EF ZU, rozsah 3+2, 1 semester
jar 1999 (p+2c), jar 2000 (3c), jar 2014 (1c)
MFF UK, Bratislava, rozsah 4+2, 1 semester
jesen 1990 (c) (prednasajuci: M.Mojzis)
Fyzika 2 - Elektrina, optika, atomova fyzika [Electricity, Optics, Atomic theory - 2nd semester of Physics for undergrads]
EF ZU, 1 semester, cvicenia 2x2hodiny/tyz
jesen 2009, jesen 2010, jesen 2011, jesen 2012, jesen 2013
Fyzikalne laboratoria [Physics Labs]
1998, 1999
Teaching Assistant (Physics Labs, Marking)
Physics Dept., Carleton U., Ottawa, Canada
1992-1997, 10 hours/week (winter+spring terms), 5 hours/week (summer term)
Konzultant bakalarskej prace o specialnych diferencialnych rovniciach
jesen 2010, student Marian Sagat