- M.Gintner, J.Juran:
Top-BESS model extended by 125 GeV scalar (pdf)
seminar at IEAP CTU" (UTEF CVUT), Prague, Jun 14, 2013. - M.Gintner:
Podivny mikrosvet (pdf)
[Strange subatomic world]
talk at the Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina, 6.3.2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran:
Top-BESS model a 125 GeV-ovy skalar (pdf)
[The top-BESS model and a 125-GeV scalar]
talk at the Epiphany Conference (3KK) 2013, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Jan 4, 2013. - M.Gintner:
Is it a/the Higgs? (pdf)
seminar at the Physics Dept., University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, Oct 16, 2012. - M.Gintner:
Is it a/the Higgs? (pdf)
seminar at the Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava, Opava, Czech Republic, Oct 4, 2012. - M.Gintner:
LHC and strongly-interacting extensions of the Standard Model (pdf)
invited plenary talk at the 19th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Presov, Slovakia, Sep 3 -- 6, 2012. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
talk at the conference PLANCK 2012 "From the Planck scale to the electroweak scale", Warsaw, Poland, May 28 -- Jun 1, 2012. - M.Gintner:
Podivny mikrosvet (pdf)
[Strange subatomic world]
talk at the Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina, 17.3.2011. - M.Gintner, M.Mojzis:
Tajomna rec neutrin (poster, video)
[Secret language of neutrinos]
a public discussion organized by the Polis Foundation, Zilina, Slovakia, Feb 14, 2012. - M.Gintner:
Fyzikalny obraz sveta po 20-tich mesiacoch s LHC (pdf)
[Physics picture of the world after 20 months of the LHC]
invited talk at the Mathematical Seminar Series Aka si mi krasna ..., Dept. of Mathematics, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Dec 6, 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
talk at the 8th VIENNA CENTRAL EUROPEAN SEMINAR on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory "Particle Physics and the LHC", University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Vienna, Austria, Nov 25, 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
talk at the weekly seminar of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics, FMPI CU, Bratislava, Slovakia, Nov 15, 2011. - M.Gintner:
OPERA's findings on superluminal neutrinos (pdf)
talk at the Physics Dept., University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 27, 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
talk at the weekly seminar of the IEAP CTU, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 20 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
invited talk at the Theoretical Physics Workshop and Summer School, 4 - 11 Sep 2011, Svit, Slovakia. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
A brief outline of the top-BESS model (pdf)
talk at the 17th Conference of Slovak and Czech Physicists, Zilina, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2011, - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model and its phenomenology (pdf)
talk at the weekly seminar of the Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czech Republic, Jun 17, 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model a jeho fenomenologie (pdf)
[top-BESS model and its phenomenology]
talk at the Physics Dept., University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, May 24, 2011. - M.Gintner:
Podivny mikrosvet (pdf, video)
[Strange subatomic world]
talk at the Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina, 17.3.2011. - M.Gintner:
Masterclasses 2011: Z bozon (pdf)
talk at the MC Workshop at the KJaSF PrF UPJS, Kosice, Feb 16, 2011. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
Top-BESS model aneb Efektivni popis rozsireni Standardniho modelu bez Higgse (pdf)
[top-BESS model or the effective description of the extension of the SM without Higgs]
seminar at the Institute of Physics, Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic, Nov 18, 2010. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo:
On the top-BESS model: low-energy limit updates and reparameterization (pdf)
18th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Sep 6-9, 2010. - M.Gintner, M.Janek, J.Juran, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
Probing the top-BESS model at the ILC (pdf)
18th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Sep 6-9, 2010. - M.Gintner:
Co (ne)vieme o mikrosvete (pdf)
[What we do (not) know about the subatomic world]
prednaska na putovnej multimedialnej vystave o CERNe, urychlovaci castic LHC a slovenskej ucasti na vyskumnom programe LHC Slovenska cesta do mikrokozmu, Krajska kniznica v Ziline, 15.4.2010.
(Napriek rovnakemu nazvu sa tato prednaska obsahovo lisi od prednasky na Masterclasses 2010.) - M.Gintner:
Co (ne)vieme o mikrosvete (pdf)
[What we do (not) know about the subatomic world]
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, SPU Nitra, 23.2.2010. - M.Gintner:
Co (ne)vieme o mikrosvete (pdf)
[What we do (not) know about the subatomic world]
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina, 17.2.2010. - M.Gintner, J.Juran, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
Effective description of strong electroweak symmetry breaking (pdf)
3rd Epiphany Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Jan 4, 2010. - M.Gintner:
Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (pdf)
seminar at IEAP CTU" (UTEF CVUT), Prague 29.9.2009. - M.Gintner, J. Juran, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
BESS model resonance at future e+e- colliders (pdf)
17th Conference of Slovak Physicists, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep 16-19, 2009.
- M.Gintner:
Higgsov bozon: preco ho vsetci hladaju a mozno nikto nenajde [Higgs boson: why everybody is looking for it and nobody might find it] (pdf)
seminar na Katedre matematiky FPV UMB v ramci cyklu Aka si mi krasna..., B.Bystrica 28.4.2009. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina, 26.3.2009. - M.Gintner, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
Probing the strong electroweak symmetry breaking in a model with a vector resonance (pdf)
International conference 10th SMALL TRIANGLE MEETING on Theoretical Physics in Medzilaborce, Slovakia, Sep 21-24,2008. - M.Gintner:
Superstar in Particle Physics or On one useless particle everybody is searching for (pdf)
International high energy physics summer school Physics at One Loop, Svit, Slovakia, Sep 14-21,2008. - M.Gintner, I.Melo, B.Trpisova:
Probing the strong electroweak symmetry breaking in a model with a vector resonance (pdf)
16th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, Sep 8-11, 2008. - M.Gintner:
Higgsologia v predvecer LHC [Higgsology on the eve of the LHC] (pdf)
seminar na Ustave fyziky Slezske univerzity v Opave, CR, 17.4.2008. - M.Gintner:
Symetrie v casticovej fyzike [Symmetries in particle physics] (abstract, pdf)
seminar na Katedre fyziky ZU, Zilina 1.4.2008. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, SPU Nitra 2008. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina 2008. - M.Gintner:
Higgsologia pre zaciatocnikov [Higgsology for the beginners] (pdf)
seminar na Katedre fyziky UMB v ramci cyklu Prirodovedne kolokvium FPV UMB, B.Bystrica 22.2.2008. - B.Tomasik, I.Melo, S.Korony, M.Gintner:
Non-equilibrium Hadronisation and Event-by-Event Fluctuation of Rapidity Distributions
poster at Quark Matter 2008, 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Feb 4-10, 2008, Jaipur, India. - M.Gintner:
Higgsologia v predvecer LHC [Higgsology in the LHC advent time] (abstract, pdf)
seminar na Katedre fyziky ZU, Zilina 20.11.2007. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Signatures of a new vector resonance from strongly interacting electroweak symmetry breaking (ppt)
ATLAS detector Exotics group meeting, CERN, Oct 10, 2007. - M.Gintner:
O mikrosvete [On the World of Elementary Particles] (odp - OpenOffice2, pdf)
prednaska pre studentov Bilingualneho slovensko-anglickeho gymnazia v Sucanoch, 2007 - M.Gintner:
O kozmickom ziareni [On the Cosmic Rays] (odp - OpenOffice2, pdf)
prednaska pre studentov Bilingualneho slovensko-anglickeho gymnazia v Sucanoch, 2007 - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (odp - OpenOffice2, pdf, video-ZU)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina 2007. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (odp - OpenOffice2, pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, SPU Nitra 2007. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
BESS Model Resonance in the pp --> W W t t + X Channel at LHC (ppt)
ATLAS detector Exotics group meeting, CERN, Nov 1, 2006. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Search For a New Vector Resonance in the pp --> W W t t + X Channel at LHC (pdf)
15. Conference of Slovak Physicists, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Sep 11-14, 2006. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Strong EWSB in Top Quark Production at ILC
Seminar, FU AVCR Praha March 30, 2006. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (sxi - OpenOffice1, pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina 2006. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Strong EWSB in Top Quark Production
Seminar, FU AVCR Praha Nov 3, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Vector Resonance from Strong EWSB in pp --> WWtt, tttt (ppt)
ATLAS detector Exotics group meeting, Oct 27, 2005 CERN. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
A New Vector Resonance Production at Future e+e- Colliders
15th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Kosice, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
A New Vector Resonance Production at LHC (ppt)
15th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Kosice, Slovakia, Sep 5-8, 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology of New Vector Resonances from SEWSB at Future e+e- Colliders
Seminar, UEF SAV, Kosice, Slovakia, May 13, 2005. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (sxi - OpenOffice1, pdf, video-UMB)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, UMB Banska Bystrica 2005. - M.Gintner:
Standardny model elementarnych castic [Standard model of elementary particles] (sxi - OpenOffice1, pdf)
prednaska na Masterclasses in Physics, ZU Zilina 2005. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology of New Vector Resonances from SEWSB at Future e+e- Colliders (ppt)
TAM 2004 talk, Dec 14, 2004 Bratislava, Slovakia. - M.Gintner, I.Melo and B.Trpisova:
Phenomenology Of Vector Resonances At Future e+e- Colliders (ppt)
14th KSF, Oct 13, 2004 Smolenice, Slovakia. - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Signatures of new vector resonances from strong EWSB in e+e- ---> nu nu t t (ps)
talk at the 2nd Workshop of the ECFA "Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider" Study series, Durham, UK, Sept 1-4, 2004; - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Vector resonances from strong EWSB at e+e- colliders (ps)
talk at the DIS'2004 Conference, Tatranska Strba, Slovakia, April 2004; - M. Gintner, I. Melo, B.Trpisova, D.Bruncko:
Zbornik z 13. Konferencie slovenskych fyzikov, Smolenice, Slovensko, 25.-28.8. 2003. - D.Bruncko, M.Gintner, I.Melo:
talk at the Triangle Seminar on Particle Physics, Vienna, Austria, Nov 29-30, 2002. - M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Zbornik z 12. Konferencie slovenskych fyzikov, Smolenice, Slovensko, 3.-5.9. 2001. - M.Gintner, I.Melo:
Proceedings of the International Seminar "Small Triangle Meeting", Kosice, Slovakia, Oct 25-26, 2000; - M. Gintner,
Hmotnost bez hmotnosti
seminar na Katedre fyziky, UMB B.Bystrica, 1999 - M. Gintner,
Hmotnost bez hmotnosti
seminar na Katedre fyziky, ZU Zilina, 1999 - M. Gintner, I. Melo,
talk at the Triangle Seminar on Particle Physics, Vienna, Austria, Nov 26-27, 1999.